ranté link pabrik pager Cina jeung pabrik | Yeson

link pager ranté

Pondok Description:

Chain link fence is made of high quality wire. chain link fence mesh uniform, flat surface, durable, beautiful appearance, easy to install.

Ranté link pager geus loba dipaké di jalan raya, kareta api, stadion, panyalindungan lamping, sarta fasilitas séjénna ogé bisa dipaké pikeun hayam ngangkat, ducks, geese, kelenci jeung Kebon Binatang dipager.

jéntré produk

Tags produk

Chain link fence is great for many different applications including warehouse, industrial, security, residential, parks, playgrounds fencing, gates and dog kennels.

Diantara ciri na pangpentingna nyaéta na palapis seragam séng jeung luhur tepat bolong pagawean. Kaunggulan tina link ranté ieu téh yén éta téh gampang pikeun cecekelan jeung toko, éta mangrupakeun produk competitively-dibanderol, gampang pikeun masang, korosi tahan.

chain link fence galvanized(7)


Ranté link pager bolong seragam, datar, awét, penampilan geulis, gampang pikeun tambahan install.In, éta boga pangaruh hiasan alus tiasa harmonis jeung lingkungan sabudeureun.

Scope of application of woven mesh (hook flower fence):

Widely used in fence net facilities, interior decoration of roads, railways, highways, etc., feeding chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits and zoo fences, protective nets for mechanical equipment, conveyor nets for mechanical equipment, fences for stadiums, road green belt protection Nets, warehouses, tool room refrigeration, protective reinforcements, marine fishing fences and construction site fences, etc.

Spésifikasi sakumaha nurutan:

Ranté link pager

Ranté link bolong

Ukuran liang

40x40mm, 50x50mm, 55x55mm, 60x60mm, 70x70mm

diaméterna kawat

1.5mm - 5.0mm

Ukuran per lambar

3000mm x 4000mm

nangtung Post

ukuran pos

60mm, 75mm

ketebalan témbok

1.5mm - 2.5mm

horizontal Post

ukuran pos

48mm, 60mm

ketebalan témbok

1.5mm - 2.5mm


pager asesoris nu biasa, klip

Kelir pager

héjo poék, jukut héjo, beureum, bodas, hideung, biru jeung koneng jeung sajabana

kustomisasi katampa

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