Sìona anti-sreap agus luchd-dèanaidh feansa factaraidh | Yeson

mì-sreap feansa

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Material: Mild Steel

Surface treatment:

I. Electro galvanised tàthadh mogaill

II. Hot tumadh galvanised tàthadh mogaill

bathar Detail

bathar Tags

358 mì-sreap feansa , also called Security Fence , is the ultimate welded mesh system providing a high degree protection and discreet visual impact on the immediate environment. 

Dùthchasach: Mild Steel

Color: Green RAL6005, Black RAL9005, Yellow

Surface treatment:

I. Electro galvanised tàthadh mogaill

II. Hot tumadh galvanised tàthadh mogaill

Feature of anti-climb fence:

  • hot sale products
  • see-through panels
  • economic products
  • high security products
  • easy installation

anti climb security fence(4)

Sònrachaidhean mar leantainneach:

Fence Description
Pannal àirde 2100mm 2400mm 3000mm
Fence àirde 2134mm 2438mm 2997mm
Pannal leud 2515mm 2515mm 2515mm
Hole meud 12.7mm × 76.2mm 12.7mm × 76.2mm 12.7mm × 76.2mm
chòmhnard uèir 4mm 4mm 4mm
inghearach uèir 4mm 4mm 4mm
Pannal cuideam 50kg 57kg 70kg
a 'Phuist 60 × × 60 2mm 60 × × 60 2mm 80 × × 80 3mm
'Phuist dh'fhaid 2.8m 3.1m 3.1m
trom air bar 40 × 6m Rachadh 40 × 6m Rachadh 40 × 6m Rachadh
stèidhean 8 Gal Bolt c / w maireannach tèarainteachd cnò
Àireamh nan stèidhean 8 9 11
Animals a 'gabhail ris


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