Kitajska množica nadzor ograjo tovarne in proizvajalci | Yeson

obvladovanje množice ograja

Kratek opis:

Crowd Control Barrier enjoy such properties as corrosion resistance, aging resistance, and weather resistance.It can quickly and easily be installed, without the need to disturb the surface area by digging holes or laying foundations.

Podrobnosti izdelka

Značke izdelka

Crowd Control Barrier enjoy such properties as corrosion resistance, aging resistance, and weather resistance..  it can quickly and easily be installed, without the need to disturb the surface area by digging holes or laying foundations.

Application :

Heavy duty crowd control / pedestrian barriers(portable fence,temporary fence or removable fence),it plays the role of protection in house site,major public events,concerts,festivals,gatherings,swimming pools and many other uses for secure construstion sites and prvate property.

Tehnični podatki, kot sledi:

Tehnični podatki Običajno Velikost
Panel Velikost 914 x 2400mm, 1090 x 2000 mm, 1090 x 2010mm, 940 x 2500mm
Okvir 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 42mm, 48mm OD
polnilo leseno 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 20mm, OD
razmik 100mm, 120mm, 190mm, 200mm
Dokončano Vroče kratki pocinkanega ali prašek obložene po varjene
Feet Ploska stopala, Bridge noge in cevi noge


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